Humalogy AI

Make email your business growth accelerator.

Email marketing has become one of the most cost-effective growth channels used by small businesses today. If you’re not among the 60+% of businesses benefitting from email for B2B marketing - or if you’ve tried and failed before - HumaEmail is the game changer you’ve been looking for.

Huma Email Menu

Email with Ease and Confidence

Harness the power of generative AI to effortlessly create the perfect messages and build effective email campaigns for the leads you've identified with HumaLeads.

AI-Powered Precision

Generate and format email content to your exact specifications, ensuring your message is delivered, opened, read—and acted upon.

Scalable Campaigns

Send the email volume you need with confidence, backed by the all-inclusive monthly subscription plan that fits your business.

Huma Email Email with Ease and Confidence

Your Email Command Central

This user friendly module helps you set up a campaign in minutes, create your message, review it, and send away to your leads.

Huma Email Menu

HumaEmail makes it easy to:

HumaEmail Generate creative email messages

Generate creative email messages with simple prompts

Huma Email Review and approve

Review and approve fully formatted messages before sending

Huma Email Tailor messages for different segments

Personalize emails and tailor messages for different segments

Huma Email Schedule Campaigns

Schedule campaigns for optimal send times

Huma Email Deliverability

Achieve high email deliverability with IP warm-up support

Huma Analytics Optimize Campaigns

Evaluate and optimize campaigns using HumaAnalytics

HumaEmail Features

Take a tour below

Start a new Campaign

Build your Leads List and send them custom emails.

My Campaigns

Manage your Campaigns.

My Stats

Stats usage for Leads.

Emails Sent

Stats usage for Emails.


How are my Campaigns performing?

Upgrade My Plan

Send out more emails at anytime.

Start a new Campaign

Huma Email Start a new campaign

Build your Leads List and send them custom emails.

My Campaigns

Huma Email My Campaigns

Manage your Campaigns.​

My Stats

HumaEmail Leads Generated

Stats usage for Leads.

Emails Sent

HumaEmail Leads Generated

Stats usage for Emails.


HumaEmail Analytics

How are my Campaigns performing?

Upgrade My Plan

Huma Email Upgrade my plan

Send out more emails at anytime. Refer A Friend Bonus

Refer a Friend Bonus

We’re a small business too! When a new member joins us through your endorsement, you’ll receive a $50 subscription credit as a thank you for helping us grow.

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